Good news Update.
Good news indeed ! We got the grant from “The Community Fund” we also got some donations, and great community support.
A big thank you to all those who supported us by completing the recent survey on our behalf and/or sent in letters of support as we put together a grant bid to the Community Fund to replace the sports hall floor and look to make the place more of a “Hall for all” as the floor will be of a higher specification making it available to more diverse groups. It was great going through this consultation period to touch base with former youth club members and supporters so keen to support that which they benefited from when they were younger. Many members past and present of the various clubs that use the facility have also been very supportive as have the local community council and Monmouthshire CC staff and local representatives so involved over the years.
As a result of the additional support, work has already started ahead of the flooring installation. The previously unused shower room is being turned into an additional storeroom for clubs using the facility, a lick of paint has been applied around the hall and various other minor works are being tackled. A new pool table has been donated to us. A programme of works has been established with the preferred contractor which should see the flooring installed for October and a resumption of activities at the centre thereafter all being well.
Caerwent is fortunate to have such a sizeable indoor recreational facility available to the community particularly as our culture begins to change with an increased drive to reducing our carbon footprint. Being able to walk or cycle to such a facility within 20 minutes of home is potentially going to be very desirable going forward. We have had talks with representatives of a number of potential new clubs to use the centre, these include a Tae Kwando and Karate Club an Historic fencing club a keyboard club and also a potential mothers and toddlers group. We are optimistic that the new floor may also reignite interest in health fitness and dance classes.
We know that many charities and community organisations across Wales are facing increasing challenges as a result of COVID-19. Therefore, we are so grateful for this 20K award from The National Lottery Community Fund, made possible thanks to money raised by National Lottery players.
Mark Lewis
On behalf of Caerwent Community Centre Committee .
Over the summer of 2016, a great deal of activity took place at the Centre, during which period the roof was replaced and major internal work in the main gymnasium was completed. The gymnasium looks really good, and we are thankful we were able to reopen the Centre and return to normal business!
We were able to undertake this project with support from various sources and we would like to thank everyone who has been involved with this project:
Monmouthshire County Council – Section 106 money provided as a result of the Merton Green development.
Monmouthshire County Council – Lower Wye Area Committee.
Monmouthshire County Council – Welsh Church Fund.